Two Ratios to Analyze and Improve Your Twitch Stream

Two Ratios to Analyze and Improve Your Twitch Stream

Stream Tips
Have you ever wondered what your hourly income from streaming on Twitch is? Do you wish you could quantify how engaged your audience is with your stream? By applying two ratios—hours watched per hour streamed and revenue per hour streamed—this is achievable and simple to calculate. Using your Twitch analytics export and a few calculations, you can perform advanced business analytics on your stream. In this article, I’ll walk you through how to get the numbers you need, how to calculate the ratios, and how to understand what it means for your stream. If you don’t know how to download your Twitch analytics export, follow this guide here. Hours watched per hour streamed The first ratio we’ll examine is hours watched per hour streamed. By using the data point of…
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How to Get Your Twitch Analytics Export

How to Get Your Twitch Analytics Export

Stream Tips
If you want to dive deeper into your stream’s viewership and revenue trends, Twitch offers robust data reporting for you to better understand your stream. Even better, Twitch provides seamless export of your data which you can use for your own analysis. Follow this simple guide to get your Twitch analytics export. First, go to your creator dashboard by clicking on your profile. In your creator dashboard drop down the “Insights” menu and select “Channel Analytics” From here, you can view the data Twitch collects on your stream. We’re interested in exporting your data though, so next is selecting the date range you want to export. Click the dates bar and choose your preferred start and ending date, then click update You have the option to export your data by…
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Planning for charity streaming

Planning for charity streaming

Personal Finances, Running a Business, Stream Tips
I love how much the streaming community contributes to charity. Games Done Quick, St. Jude PLAY LIVE, GuardianCon, and many other events yield millions of dollars (and more each year!) for awesome charities. Beyond that individual broadcasters run their own charity streams for specific causes they’re passionate about. However, unless you’re making hundreds of thousands of dollars from streaming you should do your business a favor and plan for your charity streaming. Far from reducing the amount of charity streaming, adequate planning should help increase the amount that broadcasters are able to contribute in time, energy, and income. Why you need to plan around charity streaming If you rely in any way on your income from streaming then you need to plan around charity streaming because you’re likely to earn…
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The Importance of Defining Success as a Streamer

The Importance of Defining Success as a Streamer

Running a Business, Stream Tips
Defining Success We all want to be successful, right? The dictionary has only positive entries: the accomplishment of an aim or purpose, the attainment of popularity or profit, a person or thing that achieves desired aims or attains prosperity. Sign me up! Except… what am I signing up for? How do I define success? Consider what gives you meaning/purpose [caption id="attachment_666" align="aligncenter" width="359"] Hopefully not this[/caption] In my humble opinion, you define success for yourself based on what gives you meaning or purpose. The good news is that makes success different for each of us. The bad news is that it makes success different for each of us, meaning it’s easy to judge someone else for not achieving what you would call success. So what gives you meaning? Yes you…
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Goal Driven Stream Improvement

Goal Driven Stream Improvement

Running a Business, Stream Tips
I was recently watching Maynarde stream some StarCraft 2 when I was struck with inspiration for a post. He’s running a great series on improving in SC2 that translates directly to your business success. If you don’t know Maynarde, he’s an Aussie SC2 caster. I was first introduced to his casting during the original After Hours Gaming League and have followed him since. You should go follow him, he’s great and you'll learn a lot about improvement. Targeted Improvement Anyways, the series he’s doing is based on targeted improvement. The idea is you pick one aspect of your game that needs improvement and you consistently focus on it. In SC2 this could be something like avoiding getting supply capped, scouting effectively, or not floating resources. If you were to look…
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Be a Consistent Streamer

Be a Consistent Streamer

Stream Tips
This article came out a day late. I have good excuses. I had finals last week and my birthday was last week. Tutoring helped earn me some side income but ate up a lot of my time. I had a board meeting that took up an entire night. All true, but I should have gotten the article out on time. I needed a better schedule. In the grand scheme of things, that’s not a big deal if it happens once. The issue comes if it happens over and over again. Your viewers expect you to be on a schedule and there’s a good chance some of them watch you because your stream time matches their free time. So how do you keep yourself on a schedule as a streamer? Let’s…
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Fight the Imposter Syndrome!

Fight the Imposter Syndrome!

Stream Tips
You’ve gotten a good number of followers, there’s a healthy flow of chat within your channel, you’ve networked well and people are hosting you… so why do you feel like it could all come crashing down once everyone realizes you’re an imposter? Maybe it’ll be the next stream when they figure out. Maybe it’ll be when you get your sub button or add some merchandise. The anxiety is killing you and sapping your strength to keep streaming! That feeling that at some point it might all come crashing down because you’re a fraud is the imposter syndrome. You’re not the only one feeling it. I’m feeling it, doctors are feeling it, professors are feeling it, and there’s a chance that the streamer who you wish you were as successful as…
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Define Your Unique Selling Proposition or Nerf Your Stream

Define Your Unique Selling Proposition or Nerf Your Stream

Stream Tips
Riddle me this: why would someone watch you stream? If you can answer that, great! You know your unique selling proposition (USP). It’s how you stand out from the crowd, it’s what attracts people to your stream over all of the others. Being different is good! If you can’t answer that question you absolutely need to keep reading. Even if you don’t have a unique selling proposition right now you can craft one. I’m going to give you some tips for doing that. How to Get Started There are a lot of ways you can define your unique selling proposition. Here’s what you should ask yourself to help start the process: Who do I want watching my stream? Twitch viewers are overwhelmingly Caucasian, male, and 18-24 if they’re coming from…
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