
Credit where it’s due, this article on invoicing comes courtesy of a Twitter thread lamenting that it can be tough to get streamers to send an invoice to get paid for their work. So, my goal with this is to talk about what an invoice is, why you’d create an invoice, and some places where you can find templates. What is an invoice? An invoice is a document you send to a company or individual for whom you did work or to whom you sold a product. It’s your way of putting on paper what they owe you. It should detail your information (company, contact info), specific identifying information for the invoice like an ID number, information on the buyer, information on the product that was sold (price, quantity, services…
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Productivity Tools

Productivity Tools

Last week we covered some of the Getting Things Done system and how you can prioritize long term tasks. Today we’ll cover some great books and other resources that can help you improve your time and project management. Productivity tools are awesome, you should learn to love them. Books First, check out our article on great business books for business owners to read. Those are a great start. Here’s what I’ve got for time and project management above and beyond that: Essentialism: I’ll be the first to admit, this author bugs the hell out of me. It feels, at least to me, like he’s constantly name dropping and overstating his position. That being said, the core of this book is phenomenal. The fundamental point of this book is to simplify…
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Out this week

Hi everyone, This week is a break week for PPF- well at least for posting. I'm taking a major licensure exam on Friday so I need to be fully focused. Content returns next week!
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